Fellowship & Education Experiences


Mid-Week Adult Bible Study

On Wednesdays, from 9:30 to 10:30 a group from First Presbyterian and First Congregational UCC gathers in the Pioneer Room (upstairs) of First Congregational UCC for bible study.  This is an inperson and online via Zoom bible study.  These studies are led by pastors.  We have studied Kerygma's Genesis and Indepth Bible, Amy Jill Levine's Gospel of John, and Handel's Messiah.  Gatherings are informal.  No one makes all of them.  All are welcome, even if you are coming because one is interested in the topic of that specific day.  Once in a while, the group will go on a Field Trip.

Other Learning Experiences

From time to time, other learning events get planned.  An example would be Clock Training where we as a congregation had an opportunity to learn how to be better allies for the LGTBQIA+ community.  Durning the Lenten Season, men of our church participate in the community wide Men's Lenten Breakfast and lecture.  Periodically we have speakers from area non-for-profit organization's give programs on various topics, such as Freedon House and Rebuilding Together.  

Children & Youth

Currently, most of our child oriented education is focused on including a message for children in worship, and activity pizza boxes for young ones.


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